
Yoga und ..... die drei Säulen der Transformation

Yoga und ..... die drei Säulen der Transformation  | yogaguide

Yoga und ..... die drei Säulen der Transformation | Originaltitel "A Life Worth Breathing" | "Das Herz des Yoga" deutsche Ausgabe

Max Strom schreibt in seinem Buch "Das Herz des Yoga" über die drei Säulen der Transformation und versucht auf die Frage "Warum gelingt es so wenigen Menschen, echtes Glück und wahre Erfüllung zu finden", mit folgendem Gleichnis zu antworten.

In der englischen Originalausgabe lautet dieses wie folgt:

The Three Pillars of Transformation
"We deserve and are ultimately destined to live an inspired life that rises above mere existence. So why do so many fail at finding true happiness and fulfillment.

Here is an ancient analogy that vividly depicts the plight of the average person. Image a carriage in terrible disrepair, while the horses that pull it are half-wild.
The driver is distracted and unfocused, and the passenger and owner of the carriage is a king or queen, who is asleep, dreaming he/she is a peasant.

The broken carriage represents our body, the wild horses represent our emotions, the distracted driver represents our mind, and the sleeping passenger represents our soul.

Nearly all of our problems stem from chaos in one or more of these parts of ourselves. Our relationshop issues, financial issues, health issues, and quality of life are largely determined by our degree of vitality and harmony in these three aspects.

So, what we need to do is:
- Repair the coach (the body)
- Train the horses (the emotions)
- Sober and focus the driver (the mind)

The result of this work is to reawaken the soul, represented by the sleeping passenger. The soul then remembers who and what he/she is and can begin to live a life fulfilled, a life worth breathing. This the aim of this work.

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