
Jump, Float & Fly Weekend – Dylan Werner in Wien

Jump, Float & Fly Weekend – Dylan Werner in Wien | yogaguide

Dylan Werner, Meister der Inversions und Armbalances kommt zum zweiten Mal ins Yogaloft Vienna und wird am Pfingstwochenende | FR 2.6.- MO 5.6.2017 | verschiedene Yoga-Workshops zum Thema ‚Jump, Float & Fly‘ unterrichten.

Dylan Werner, Meister der Inversions und Armbalances kommt zum zweiten Mal ins Yogaloft Vienna und wird am Pfingstwochenende verschiedene Yoga-Workshops zum Thema ‚Jump, Float & Fly‘ unterrichten. Vollgepackt mit jeder Menge Theorie kommt bei Dylan auch die Praxis nicht zu kurz – ‚Icing of the cake‘ ist sein unglaubliches Yogawissen und sein großartiger Humor.Dylan’s Klassen und Workshops sind für alle Könnerstufen geeignet, vor allem für diejenigen, die gerne die physischen Aspekte der Yogapraxis vertiefen möchten.

Freitag, 02.06.2017
18:00-20:30 Uhr | 150 Min. | Euro 50
Fly Strong Vinyasa

A playfully strong Vinyasa class designed to take you on to the arms and upside down. Handstands, forearm stands, headstands and arm balances become the flow as we fly through fun transitions and sequences. Options will be given if you are not a hand stander or arm balancer. All levels welcome to enjoy this super fun flow.

Dylan Werner Jump, Float & Fly Vienna | yoga guide, 03.06.2017
09:00 -12:00 Uhr | 180 Min. | Euro 70
Jump, Float & Fly

This class will give you the tools to customize your own flow for every level. I will teach you how to move on your mat with grace and control so that you can float and fly with ease. Moving with control is how we keep consciousness and awareness always present in our practice. The techniques you will learn in this class will add this level of mindfulness as you float to the top of your mat, fly into handstand, transition through crow, lower with control and more.
You will learn simple concepts that will advance you no matter what stage in your practice you are in. We finish it off with fun handstand and arm balance transitions. All levels.

Sonntag, 04.06.2017

09:00 -12:00 Uhr | 180 Min. | Euro 70
Arm Balance Evolution
This class is about getting on your hands and exploring the edge that arm balances can bring you to. By building a solid foundation and understanding the simple concepts of strength and stability, you will build trust, self-confidence and the ability to evolve your practice. We will play around with several arm balances and different ways to enter and hold them. From a stable foundation we’ll add transitions from arm balance to arm balance, headstands to arm balances and possibly even handstand transitions and one hand arm balances for those that are ready. All levels.

Dylan Werner Jump, Float & Fly Vienna | yoga guide Montag, 05.06.2017
09:00 -12:00 Uhr
180 Min. | Euro 70
Inverting the backbend
Take your backbend inverted. First understand how to safely and effectively deepen your backend by exploring new backbend techniques and tools for the practice. You will learn how to open and strengthen the body while deepening our backbends into several different inversions. Exploring scorpion, forearm scorpion, hollowbacks, forearm hollowbacks and all their variations. All levels.

Weekend Pass

Euro 230  (Ersparnis Euro 30)

Mehr Infos unter
Dylan Werner yogaloft Vienna | yoga guide

aloha@yogaloft.at             Limitierte Plätze!

Wiedner Hauptstr.78
1040 Wien